June 19, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and stays there until July 12th. In your case, you will have to watch your p’s and q’s about all financial transactions. It’ll be better safe than sorry to check twice before you sign your name to any purchases or sells. The more work you do before a transaction, the better.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s no problem using caution.”


Mercury residing in your sign now, begins its retrograde motion, and stays there until July 12th. You will show your true self without pretenses and you will enjoy being who you are, without having to apologize. You will, however, have to make sure that whatever you say doesn’t upset anyone. It’s not that you will intentionally try to hurt folks, it’s just that you will find yourself tongue tied every once in a while.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to watch my mouth.”


Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and stays there until July 12th. In your case, you will take a close look at a particular relationship and you will, privately think if you want to take it any further, or if you want to leave it in the dust, while you are moving forward. It really matters if your heart is into it, or if you see freedom as your life moves forward.  

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s me who needs to make that decision.”


Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and stays there until July 12th. In your case, you will have to keep watch on how you are treating people within your organization, and let go of any problem you find in how they are treating you. You will need to be the peacemaker, and in this way, secure your good standing.   

Today’s affirmation:

“Taking the highroad, is not only words spoken.”


Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and stays there until July 12th. In your case, you will be ambitious and rearing to do whatever is asked of you, and whatever you see as necessary for your career. You will need to make sure that what you see is equal to what is truly happening, and not what someone wants you to see, which could be faulty and unreliable.

Today’s affirmation:

“I will keep my eyes open.”


Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and stays there until July 12th. In your case, you will need to try to be more patient than you even think is possible. Some intriguing situations will get you excited, and you may not have the self-control to say ‘no’ to. But the more you guard yourself against the desire to roam and to hit the road, the better. We are still in some form of self-isolation…

Today’s affirmation:

“I need to stay put and like it…”


Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and stays there until July 12th. In your case, the depth of how much you can take is the test that you will be addressing. We have all been faced with a lot recently, and you may have put your emotions aside for the time as a survival mechanism. It may be delayed response, and that you will now feel free to express your emotions. Vent your frustrations, as long as you are gentle on those around you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need an outlet.”


Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and stays there until July 12th. In your case, you will be wise to walk on your tippy toes when it comes to dealing with anyone who is close to you on a daily basis. You want to have the same wonderful relationship at the end of this cycle, as you have had before it starts. Be considerate, be overly compensating, and be accommodating as much as possible, and all will turn out better than you think.

Today’s affirmation:

“I tread lightly.”


Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and stays there until July 12th. In your case, you will have to be careful not to resent those who have more free time for themselves. Not to resent those who are better off in your company where you are employed, and be ok when you may be overlooked for a job you think you are the one who ought to be in line to. Take care of yourself, and don’t pay attention to anyone else’ Karma.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am the star in my life.”


Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and stays there until July 12th. In your case, you will find your voice and you will find your style. You will be creative and happy to show your creations, and expect to get your accolades. But that is where the problem can come in, that you have to be gracious no matter if you do, or if you don’t get the honors you think you deserve. You will get luckier when you remain humble and patient.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am willing to wait my turn.”


Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and stays there until July 12th. In your case, you will have to learn how to be a leader in domestic discord. You will have to be the hero when situations happen that may get out of your control and which are not of your doing, but that yet, you may be involved in like it or not. Be the voice of reason, take the higher road, and show that your home is too precious for any negativity.

Today’s affirmation:

“My home is where my heart is.”


Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and stays there until July 12th. In your case, you may have a lot to learn and you know that this time, the lesson will stay with you and you will be able to make the most of it. You will have to be careful about what you say to people, as you will have the tendency to put your foot in your mouth… Think twice before you speak, could be a good motto to live by…

Today’s affirmation:

“I apologize… Lol.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will make new starts on issues that you have left behind, thinking at the time, that you will no longer find use for them. Or you will make a new start at a job that you thought you have left long behind. Alas, it may be to your pleasure, and not your detriment, to have to go back to those situations, as they will define you in the long run. Don’t think so much about how much they will pay monetarily; it’s the experience that will count, in the long run. Love will be possible with someone who is loving, thoughtful and soulful.

Good luck and God bless you. 


Today’s planetary layout:

Mercury begins its retrograde motion at 00:53 AM EDT.

The Moon in Taurus make an easy angle with Mars, an excellent angle with Pluto and an excellent angle with Pluto.

The Moon enters Gemini at 5:00 PM EDT.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Saturn.

Mars makes an easy angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star